Dr. Elizabeth MESTHENEOS

Email addressliz.mestheneos@gmail.com
Affiliation / Organisation50plus Hellas
Which is the PRIMARY NET4Age Working Group you are involved in?WG1
Paper 1
DOI DOI: 10.13140
TitleReflections on Older People in Relation to ICT-AI
AuthorsElizabeth Mestheneos, Ilenia Gheno
JournalProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2019), pages 7-12
LinkResearch Gate G.2.2.30675.63529
older people
Relevant fileshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1WqlxS8g-A5JEcT5DTH302xuyHNcj_iK9
Paper 2
DOI DOI:10.4324/9780429468346-4
TitleAgeing, learning and health: making connections
AuthorsElizabeth Mestheneos, Alexandra Withnall
JournalBook: Fresh Perspectives on Later Life Learning
Relevant fileshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1aseq5Fk8utgrwziDdaw7shTIAi1Fv2__
Paper 3
DOIResearch Gate
TitleAgeing in Place
AuthorsElizabeth Mestheneos
LinkResearch Gate
Keywordsolder homes
Relevant filesN/A
4. Focus of research during the past 3 yearsSH1_11 Technological change, innovation, research & development
SH3_7 Social policies, welfare
SH3_9 Health, ageing and society
SH5_10 Ethics, social and political philosophy
LS7_10 Health services, health care research, medical ethics
5. Other research during the past 3 yearsN/A
6. Ongoing research for collaborative activitiesSH1_11 Technological change, innovation, research & development, SH3_9 Health, ageing and society, SH5_10 Ethics; social and political philosophy
7. Other ongoing researchLTC in Local Authorities
8. Available to partcipate in a webinar for partners to present your ongoing research?No
1. Products/tools, services or other activities available for collaboration If yes, N/A
2. Available to participate in a webinar for partners to present the product, service, tool or other?No
3. Short description of product, tool, service or otherN/A
4. Innovative training/empowerment contentN/A
5. Available to participate in a webinar for partners to present the training/empowerment content?No
1. Connections to local/regional ecosystem on health and well-being in an age-friendly digital worldCitizens, Public authorities, Researchers
2. If yes, please can you provide the name, link or short description of the ecosystem you are involved in?50plus Hellas
3. Interested in fostering a quadruple helix ecosystem within the frame of the COST ActionNo
4. Familiarity with international funding programmesErasmus+, Horizon 2020
5. Interest in international funding programmesEuropean Social Fund (ESF)
European Union programme for employment and social innovation