Virtual Mobility Grants Outcomes

Outcomes of the Activity

During the Action, 21 Virtual Mobility grants were developed and approved. Some of the most relevant ones for external consultation are available below:







Sharing the concept of Smart Health Age Friendly Environments | Maddalena Illario

This grant ensured the organization of a hybrid stakeholders meeting in Naples, back-to-back with the MC Meeting, attended by 20 participants in presence, and 20 online. It produced a ppt presentation with the participants presentations, a full video of the event, and 10 videos with individual interviews developed at the venue with different stakeholders, focusing on the bottlenecks and enabling factors identified for the implementation of SHAFE environments. This work feeds into Working Group 4 of NET4Age-Friendly and will be further exploited also for dissemination purposes.

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Invisible friend - Calming smart services for the elderly | Milica Solarević

The aim of this grant was to examine the preferences of older adults 65+ about calm technology (design) of smart services, as an immerging concept within age-friendly environments. An online questionnaire was co-developed by the Grant participants (Action Members) and from the 187 replies, a random sample of 70 was analysed. The detailed results, the descriptive statistics and a video explaining the research conducted and results are made available for Action Members. The survey remains online for increased replies and a collaborative publication by Action Members is foreseen for Grant Period 2, namely through Working Group 1 and Working Group 3.

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How to regenerate social capital after the pandemic, in age-friendly communities? | Matteo Moscatelli

This Grant aimed to collect multidisciplinary views of Action Members on the relationship between the social capital and social relation post-pandemic in age-friendly communities in order to highlight problems, characteristics and strategies for the future. Through an online survey, 51 replies were collected and organized in 5 main outcome areas, towards supporting the harmonisation and standardisation of methods and procedures in the work of Working Group 2. The detailed results, the descriptive statistics and a video explaining the research conducted and results are made available for Action Members and a plan to further discuss and exploit results within the Action are foreseen for Grant Period 2.

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Continuity of activities of retired professors in favor of the Society | Dumitru Todoroi

The grant aimed to develop the knowledge and experience acquired by older people (seniors) in their desire to continue working in green societies, such as the one of the Association "Seniors of AESM”. It was built on the relevant results obtained by seniors and their co-partners previously developed through a collaborative work within the Action Members and presented at the International Teleconference of young researchers "Creation of the Society of Consciousness" in March 2021. The Grant allowed to organise and further develop, collaboratively, such results, into a publishable document, as well as to develop a presentation and a video with the main outcomes for sharing and awareness raising, that will feed on the works of, mainly, WG1 and WG4.

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NET4Age-Friendly Participants' Interest | Amine Haj Taieb

This VM Grant aimed to share the Action’s participants interest, opportunities and needs, with the purpose of increasing the awareness of all participants about the other’s participants profiles and research focus, hopefully fostering networking and collaboration in new project proposals related to the Action themes. It supported the implementation of research related activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence towards the open and forthcoming calls for funded projects where 30 Action members participated. A video report was made available to all participants, to promote collaboration and boosting the networking and organization of consortiums for proposals application. The work initiated in this Grant is complementary to a Slack Channel previously created by the Action for funding opportunities and will be further leveraged by the Grantee, Core Group and Working Group 4 in Grant Period 2.

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SHAFE policies, strategies and funding | Luiza Spiru

This Grant aimed at developing the NET4Age-Friendly Learning Repository and the NET4Age-Friendly Exploitation Booster, gathering the contributions of the 46 Action countries on SHAFE policies, strategies and funding, departing from the ground work developed in Grant Period 1 by the Working Group 4. The contributions collected from different members were clustered in 3 main thematic topics that will be further explored and discussed, thus creating a preliminary structure, the Exploitation Booster, to foster in Grant Period 2 the collaboration activities, including new webinars and knowledge sharing within Working Group 4 participants. A video of the outcomes and a ppt presentation were developed and made available to Action members.

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This VM Grant also produced several individual interviews, as shown below:
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Interview to Anna Iervolino: Strategic decision maker - Service provision

The floor to the key-players: interview with Anna Iervolino, Federico II University Hospital CEO
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Interview to Maria Triassi: Strategic decision maker - University

The floor to the key-players: interview with Maria Triassi, Federico II Medical School Director
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Interview to Nicola Scomparin: The Italian network for health innovation

The floor to the key-players: interview with Nicola Scomparin, ProMIS delegate
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Interview to Carina Dantas: The European network implementing SHAFE

The floor to the key-players: interview with Carina Dantas, NET4Age-Friendly Chair
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Interview to Lorenzo Mercurio: The organizational view point

The floor to the key-players: interview with Lorenzo Mercurio, Department of Public Health of Federico II University
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Interview to Silvia Rossi: The technological view point

The floor to the key-players: interview with Silvia Rossi, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Federico II University
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Interview to Gabriella Fabbrocini & Guido Iaccarino

Integrating the service response for healthy lifestyles.

The floor to the key-players: interview with Gabriella Fabbrocini, Head of Dermatological Unit at Federico II University Hospital and Guido Iaccarino.

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Interview to Mario Losasso: From city districts to Eco-districts for Health

The floor to the key-players: interview with Mario Losasso, Rector's Delegate for Building Construction at Federico II University
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Interview to Gabriella Fabbrocini and Guido Iaccarino Part 2

The floor to the key-players: interview with Gabriella Fabbrocini, Head of Dermatological Unit at Federico II University Hospital and Guido Iaccarino.