The XX International Sociological Association’s (ISA) World Congress of Sociology titled “Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies” was held in Melbourne, Australia, on June 25-July 1, 2023. Andrzej Klimczuk was granted an ITC grant in our Action, to participate with the paper entitled “Design and Co-Design in the Concept and Policy of Building a Future Society for All Ages.”
The presentation during the Congress was a unique opportunity for communication and dissemination of the results generated by our COST Action CA19136. The presentation provided was an example of a contribution to achieving the Research Coordination Objective 5 (RCO5): “To ensure innovative, flexible, implementable, policy and practice exploitation through dissemination, networking and ecosystem strengthening across disciplines all over Europe and beyond.”
Andrzej presented the paper during the Congress panel on “Ageing Better by Design – Activation, Co-Production and Social Inclusion of Older People.” All presentations in this group have been focused on age-friendly environments, cities, communities, and housing. Due to safety concerns and travel costs, the Congress was organised both on-site in Melbourne, Australia, and online.
The open discussion after the presentations, with both speakers and audience available in the Congress centre and remotely across the world, was focused on topics such as the selection and scaling up of innovative solutions for addressing challenges related to population ageing, co-design and co-production of public services, and international exchange of the best solutions across the organisations and social movements focused at the age-friendly environments.
More information is available in the Book of Abstracts.