Workshop - Bridging innovation to service provision

24 April 2023 | workshop

NET4Age-Friendly is featuring the next webinar of the workshop series Bridging innovation to service provision, with the Highlights from NET4Age-Friendly Special Issue: from assessments to digitally supported interventions, next Thursday 27 April 2023, at 14 pm CET.

The first wave of publications on the NET4 Special Issue have been finalised in November 2022 and published on the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The special issue ( was focused on Health and Wellbeing in Smart Built Inclusive Societies, and developed around the concepts of Smart Health Age-Friendly Environments, to foster interdisciplinary research approaches that address the challenges of SHAFE transformation. Especially interesting have been the contributions combining a high academic standard with practical implementation piloting, experience and scale up, thus providing an opportunity for sharing innovative good practices to make SHAFE environments a reality.

Moderated by Joao Apostolo and Maddalena Illario, in this webinar you can get to know five interesting scientific articles with SHAFE-oriented research!