THIRD Virtual mobility and Short-term scientific missions CALL is open!

21 June 2023 | grants

NET4Age-Friendly aims to establish an international and interdisciplinary network of researchers from all sectors, to foster awareness and to support the creation and implementation of smart, healthy indoor and outdoor environments for present and future generations; to promote social inclusion, independent living and active and healthy ageing in society.

Interested in bringing expertise to your country/institution?

Interested in bringing expertise to your own professional development?

APPLY for a VM or STSM!

    • Apply for a STSM within a Specific Area of Interest
    • Select a Host Institution that has the knowledge and expertise you seek to receive
    • Make your case, why is your study important, how will you use it to expand understanding in your country and abroad and GO!
    • Apply for a VM within a Specific Area of Interest
    • Make your innovative proposal to study that you can conduct online among great network of researchers and stakeholders
    • Make your case, why is your study important, how will you use it to expand understanding within your professional background and GO!