From pilots to scale in digital tools for active and healthy ageing
Carina Dantas was one of the speakers at the webinar about the theme “From pilots to scale in digital tool for active and healthy ageing”. Carina opened the webinar with the topic “Open platforms in AHA – needs, requirements and good practices”, and presented NET4Age-Friendly and the SHAFE approach as good practices in this domain.
In this context, the case of an open platform developed by the PHArA-ON project was presented including the challenges faced by the development team and requirements for the platform’s uptake by its end users. The event continued with the introduction by Arnora Oy to the Finnish healthtech markets and presentations by healthtech companies based in Finland from the domain on their experiences and lessons learnt on driving product-market fit through pilots.
In this webinar the H2020 project had demonstrated the role of pilots for the integration of digital services and tools into open platforms for maintaining independent, safe and dignified living of older people.
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