At the last AgeingFit event in Lille, France, on 11 and 12 March 2024, several representatives from the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly were present and played a relevant role in disseminating their work. NET4Age-Friendly was disseminated by Carina Dantas, Willeke Van Staalduinen and Ivan Chorbev during the event in an atmosphere characterized by enriching discussions that highlighted the commitment to innovation and inclusion in the field of active ageing.
Carina Dantas, Chair of NET4Age-Friendly, emphasized three key points in her intervention, in the panel "How to ensure your innovation design is inclusive enough?". The first was the importance of including the quintuple helix of stakeholders, maintaining continuous and stable conversations with them, recognizing the diversity of perspectives and experiences. She highlighted the need to approach innovation from a perspective of active and healthy living, prioritizing solutions that promote well-being and autonomy. She also reinforced the proposal to interconnect disciplines to build smart, healthy, and inclusive environments for all ages, a concept known as SHAFE (Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments), exemplified by the work carried out in the NET4Age-Friendly. Willeke van Staalduinen, the Vice-Chair focused her interventions on the need to measure impact, referring to the SHAFE SEE-IT model.
The panel was nicely moderated by Stela Shiroka and featured the participation of other distinguished experts, such as Federica Calabria and Lars Kayser, whose contributions further enriched the discussion.
Ivan Chorbev was the moderator of the panel "What are the latest technological innovations to address mental health issues among older adults?", leading speakers to showcase new digital solutions that promote more inclusive and healthier communities.
This event demonstrated the growing commitment of the community to promote inclusive and innovative solutions for active ageing, reinforcing the importance of collaboration and diversity of perspectives in this process.